Cat - 6 months | Spanish Fork children photographer
Happy six-months to me!
I like to roll and try to sit and scoot across the floor.
I can sleep all night long, so my parents are going to keep me.
I still like to be swaddled.
I don't like my carseat.
I like my big brother, especially when someone helps me chase him around the room.
I like milk and oatmeal and bananas.
I have my mom's pumpkin-shaped head and my dad's feet.
I have my grandma's eyes and mouth.
The origin of my nose is a mystery.
My hair is mullet-like and has a white stripe down the middle.
In a nutshell, I'm too-die-for!

Wow-- that second picture-- she looks just like a doll. A very cute doll.
Oh my goodness, I want her forever.
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