Utah County - Aerial Style
I've blogged about the STARTS program several times, because I think it's a great idea, and I want it to work out. I donated a photo shoot to the cause, and Julie, who is in charge, declined, but she put my name in a drawing for a helicopter ride anyway. Then, without having to do anything at all, I won! So, we went up with our pilot Cameron, and had SO MUCH FUN!
He even picked us up at the Spanish Fork airport.

The pilot said he had done a photo flight earlier that day and they had taken the doors off the helicopter to get a better view. He said I could take the doors off if I wanted, but this time I declined. My husband had a different idea. I'm actually really glad he decided to take the doors off.

our shadow on the ground below us.

The golf course in south Provo

The Provo cemetery . . . . I think. We flew over several.

I don't know what this is. Everything is so shapely from above.

It's such a challenge to get an interesting photo of the Provo Temple!

These are birds on the southern shore of Utah Lake

That's the Spanish Fork high school track there in front.

That's our house with the little red roof in the back. : )

Post flight hair. This boy never cracked a smile the entire time, but he talked about it nonstop for the next couple of days.

The end.
So cool! I bet that was so fun!
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