Mother's Day Giveaway
I've become my mom. I spent two days drying strawberries. Why? I don't know. Because I had them. That's what moms do, right?

So, in honor of all moms who keep their families fed, I happen to have two boxes of brand new, never-been-used pots and pans.
I will give them away to two random winners.
Set one is a 10-piece non-stick set.
Set two was a 9-piece stainless steel set, but now it's an 8-piece set because I needed to use the big soup pot one night. : |

1) you have to follow my blog OR like my photography page on Facebook
2) you have to comment and say you want the item (either here or on Facebook)
3) you have to pick it up if you win. Though, I'm happy to deliver it if I'm in the neighborhood ....
Deadline: Friday, May 13th, 2011 at bedtime!
I'm glad to follow your blog...and your fb page...and to say that I would love even just one of those pots...and I would pick it up...(maybe)
Nine piece stainless steel. And I love your blogs. :)
I'd take one of these sets! I need some new pots and pans! I follow and I likey!
What do you use dried strawberries for? Salads? Eating straight? I've never heard of such a thing, but then again, I'm very culinarily-challenged. Perhaps I need some pots and pans to get moving :)
I am a follower and Like your page. I would love to be a winner and can come pick it up.
I love your photography! It is very creative and shows the personality of the subject. I wish I could take pictures as well as you. I guess I will have to keep practicing.
Congrats to Chelsea and Lindsay who are our winners!
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